
oh january

I'm not sure that I ever realized it before, or maybe I just never felt this way before, but January is a rough month.  I am struggling almost daily with lack of motivation and a sort of blah feeling.  Add to that the bi-polar Tennessee weather that has kept us inside most days and you get one mama that is constantly longing for springtime.  Maybe this would all be considered the post-holiday season blues?  Is that a thing?  Either way, most evenings I am telling myself that tomorrow I will get my groove back!  And sloooowly but surely we are on our way.  Does anyone else experience this?

I am well on my way at trying to establish and conquer 2014 goals.  One major goal that I am working on is backing up (and double backing up) and organizing all my photos from the past 5 or so years.  It is proving to be quite the task and I only get a little bit done each day because it can get overwhelming and there are thousands upon thousands of photos.  It is ridiculous really.  Sometimes I get so tired of sorting through them and I just save them all.  I am sure I will pay for that later when I get around to making all my photo books and have to sort through them then.  Oh well.  Sorry future self! 

hello 2014!

This was my most "liked" photo on Instagram in 2013.  Rightfully so, too.  In many ways, this photo represents the start of a new chapter in our lives.  The chapter that we had been working so hard to get to; Jason finishing school and becoming a CRNA and me landing my dream job as a Stay at Home Mom Domestic Engineer.  However you want to label what I do, it's amazing.  Everyday I am blown away by the awesomeness of Joanna.  We are so blessed.

So here is to 2014!  I have a feeling it's going to be a good one.


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