
i heart.

I saw this print a while ago and re-discovered it today. I just love it, because I feel like I am learning something when I look at it. haha
But really I gave my own meaning to this print - I feel like it shows how complex the heart really is. It's not just a muscle or an organ; it contains so many unique pieces that work together to serve it's purpose. Just like love. Love can be complicated, but it is so wonderful. To me, love is something that, just like the heart, has so many pieces that contribute to true happiness. These pieces can be complicated or simple.
I want to share with you ten things that I feel represent love.
  1. When my hubby rubs/scratches my back without me asking him to (or when he does the dishes or cleans the house).
  2. The fact that my pets never hold a grudge against me after I get mad at them.
  3. A friend that remembers the anniversary of one of the most difficult days of my life, when I lost my dad.
  4. A kind, hand-written note.
  5. A genuine hug.
  6. When my nephew tells me he loves me and misses me (I am sure my niece feels the same way, but she can't talk yet).
  7. When my brother walked me down the isle at my wedding.
  8. Sunrise and sunset - God is amazing.
  9. Helping another person in need without expecting something in return.
  10. My hubby's unconditional support and understanding.


Davina said...

cute print!! i wish i could be that creative when it comes to graphic design : P

hmmm said...

That makes anat&phys look AWESOME! Love it.

(every time Jason rubs my back w/o me asking I fall in love a little bit more. happy to find someone else with the same feelings!)

Unknown said...

this is such a lovely post xxxx


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